Determining How to Price Yourself and Which Jobs to Take

Determining How to Price Yourself and Which Jobs to Take

One of the hardest things to figure out is how to price yourself and what jobs to take.  It took me months to figure out my prices when I started and way longer to figure out my standards when it came to online work.

Which Jobs to Take

I get offered at least one staff writing position every couple of weeks, but I have a minimum that I will accept that helps weed out low ball offers.  I also am asked if I perform blog tasks like submitting to carnivals, but since I don’t enjoy that part of blogging either, I refer the carnival submitters that I know instead.  In short, I have come up with a few ways to determine which jobs to take.

Keeping that in mind, it is still hard to turn down money.  I like money enough that I sometimes really consider doing jobs I don’t even like.  Then I take a step back, look at whether I actually need the money or not, take a deep breath, and refer someone else.  But it is sooooo hard sometimes.

Your Prices

The first trick is figuring out how much you are worth per hour or task.  When I first started, I was making about $16 an hour at my day job before taxes and whatnot, so I was writing and doing freelance tasks for about $15 an hour.  Then I realized my writing was being recognized and I was undervaluing my services.  Over time, I inch my way up.  If I am ever turned down more than twice in a row, I know I’ve gone too high on my hourly rate.  I also use that same method with advertising. I slowly raise my prices until they are turned down more than a couple of times in a row.  It is all a balancing act.

If you are unsure of how to start, consider contacting someone else in the field.  I zoom in on every comment about pricing that I can find in the Yakezie, the blogging forum I love, and on other sites to make sure I am priced around the same rates as others.  When I first started blogging, simply being pointed in a general direction was amazing since I was like a fish out of water.  I had no idea what a normal rate was and was intimidated by the simplest decisions.

My Beginner Rates and Current Rates

In case any of you feel the same way, here are the rates I started at with myself and my main site, Budgeting in the Fun Stuff.  Please keep in mind that these are the rates I had just a couple of months after I started blogging and working online, so my site was still a PR0 with less than 50 readers a day and I was a complete online newbie myself:

  • My Hourly Rate for Freelance Tasks – $15
  • The rate I would accept for a sidebar ad – $35 a month and up depending on location
  • The rate for a sponsored post with a link for one year – $45-$60
  • The amount I was making with Adsense – Less than $1 a month

Here are the general rates I use now.  Budgeting in the Fun Stuff is now a PR3 with 400-600 readers a day and I have 18 months of online experience under my belt:

  • My Hourly Rate for Freelance Tasks – $20-$30 depending on the assignment
  • The rate I would accept for a sidebar ad – $50 a month minimum for annual placement in a low location, $60 minimum for 6 months or less in a low position, $80-$150 minimum a month for prime locations
  • Sponsored post for one link for one year – $85 minimum for group deals and I usually expect $100-$125
  • Adsense – $50-$100 a month

For those who have more experience, do those rates seem too low?  Any suggestions?  For the newer bloggers, feel free to email me with any questions at

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